Norwegian Summer- Rainy Days

Even though it is raining, I usually always
go for a walk in the summer.

The key is to be both stylish and practical,
so you dont get wet. A raincoat and rain
boots are a must in every wardrobe.

Raincoat: From the 50s
Rainboots: Økonomi sko
Tshirt: Gina Tricot
Shorts: Bought in a store in California
Norsk sommer er lunefull. Den ene dagen regner det, den andre er det strålende sol. Det som jeg aldri tviler på, er dens fantastiske skjønnhet. Her er jeg klar for en av sommerens mer regnfulle dager. Jeg tror man kan være både stilig og praktisk i regnet. Denne regnjakken beskytter mot det meste.

One of the things I love most about the Norwegian summer, is its marvelous beauty. Yeasterday was a heavy rainy day, but today it has changed again. Its not sunny, but it is light skies and warm weather. Maybe perfect for some shopping or a swim in the sea? And I did not really mean to complaine about my summer wardrobe, as I love it dearly. I was just in need of some new inspiration and some small additions to my overfilled closet. Dont you just love that orange raincoat from the 50s? I know I do.

19 tanker på “Norwegian Summer- Rainy Days

  1. i’m in love with rubber boots, i want it to rain now every day i’m stepping my feet outside – just so i have a reason to wear them :)and your orange raincoat looks lovely!

  2. i’m in love with rubber boots, i want it to rain now every day i’m stepping my feet outside – just so i have a reason to wear them :)and your orange raincoat looks lovely!

  3. i love all ur outfits! (esp the black and white ones, the sunnies, and that gold shrug!) and i wasnt able to comment earlier!! :)nice tip for the rainy day.. though i really dont like going out during those times 🙂 hehe

  4. Your rain attire is most inspirational and you are so right, a must for every wardrobe! I scored a barbour bedale jacket in March at the boot sale, so I class this as my raincoat, but I do need wellies-yours are great!!

  5. Været er kjipt her også idag! var nydelig igår, men så utrolig mye kaldere idag:( Det skal bli bedre de fleste stedene i landet senere i uka! Jeeej:)

  6. i LOVE the raincoat and boots, its very stylish seaman! 🙂 oh and i have no problem about you complaining about your wardrobe, although you do have an amazing summer style, I’m totally in a rut now too. I basically feel like every outfit I wear I came up with the idea for it about 2 months ago so I’m just falling into routine. ugg

  7. The Orange raincoat is very Refreshing , and I understand , crepuscular climates have always a singular charm . . .At least, I’m sure that to face the rain in your company can only be a Pleasure !!!A Bientôt, Antoine

  8. Hallå Silje 🙂 Norst sommar ser ljuvlig ut! Jag avundas dig! Det är inte sommar i Australien ät. Mycket kall! Kag kan inte väntar för sommar 🙂 Din utstyrsel är mycket gullig! Kramkram Midgie

  9. I envy your summer in that you can wear layers some days. Thus adding some variety to your summer wardrobe.Gosh, I sound like a whiner.Anyhoot, I realy like the look you have created here. The colours are such fun.

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