Blue Sky

Sometimes the most simple things in life are the best.
Like this wonderful blue dress or a late night swim in the sea.

or the clear blue skies at sunset.

For hot days, I find cotton dresses to be best, as they
protect some against the heat. This one I just picked up
at H&M for 10 dollars. Quite the bargain I think.

I cant think of a better view when you go late night

Photos: Margrethe, 8 years old
Dress: H&M
Sunnies: Oliver Peoples
Shoes: Havaianas

These are the best flip flops in the world. I love my new
metallic pink ones, which was a gift from my friend Elissa.
Det er så mange favoritter når det gjelder sommeren, men kveldsbad er en av mine. Mens du bader i deilig sjøvann, kan du nyte solnedgangens fantasiske fargespill. Siden jeg ikke har barn selv(og det er de som gjerne vil bade) låner jeg min gode venninnes barn, Margrethe. Hun er åtte år og har forøvrig tatt bildene av meg. Synes hun gjorde en fantastisk jobb, så hun skal få
fortsette å ta bilder av meg når hun vil.
Og Anne, her har du et bilde med lave sko!

One of my favorite things about summer, is a late night swim. Since I dont have any children myself, I often borrow my good friends little one, as an excuse to go swimming. Of course they have long since seen through this scam, but me and Margrethe(8 years old) always have such a great time together. She is a fast learner, so when I suggested she could take my outfit pictures, she was all game. And I think she did a pretty awesome job! The dress is one of the things I got on my last sale shopping spree and it has the most beautiful blue color. The sunset? Free of charge.

26 tanker på “Blue Sky

  1. LOL- will your regular photographer think they are out of a job, now your darling little friend has taken some spectacular shots of you in this lovely dress!! She’s done very well indeed! BTW, thanks to your last inspirational post and talk of cardis, I managed to get one for Autumn when thrifting today!!

  2. Those shots are breathtaking. No one could look as beautiful in a simple cotton dress as you, Silje. It goes perfectly with your blond hair and charming smile. Soooo pretty!

  3. The views and the dress are beautiful. Your photographer is well on her way to becoming a young pro! Your blog is one of the first ones I visit for inspiration, so thank you for that!

  4. I think these are my most favorite images of you ever. I also think this is the most flattering dress I’ve ever seen on you! Spectacular.

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