Cuffed Jeans, Love it or Hate it?

Picture: Courtesy of a fab fashion site: WhoWhatWearDaily

Digger stilen med opprullede jeans. Synes Rachel Bilson og SJP klarer denne looken best her. Som dere ser i mine tidligere innlegg, har jeg vært en fan av denne stilen en stund. Gå for skyhøye heler til denne looken, så du får så lange bein som mulig.

I know this post will raise some discussion. However, I love this casual look. If you look three posts down, you see I often wear my jeans like this. It does cut you off, so high heels are preferable. I love Miss Bilsons and SJP, they got the perfect combo of casual and stylish looks going on. What do you think, love it or hate it?

32 tanker på “Cuffed Jeans, Love it or Hate it?

  1. it depends on who’s wearing them: i hate them on katie she looks as if she’s trying to hide that she’s anorexic or something, but reese is adorable in them! oh and as for my shopping, see the post below my current one 🙂

  2. I guess it is not the most easy-going style. However, if you get it right, it will be totally fun and quirky! With chunky heels, they may be ok, especially for smaller size girls like you, Silje xxxxxxxxx

  3. I too think this style works only on certain women, especially if they’re slim and have a sort of «gamine» look going already. Then it looks cute. But it’s also one of those styles that I think can easily look wrong. I love your style blog, Silje! I added a link to it on my blog (Udaratakella) … if you don’t mind? :o)

  4. guess it all depends whether you look good in it or not and depends on how you do it. I like the way the girl in the middle did it but don’t like the way it was done for the girl on the far right. Sorry I don’t know the names of these famous women… 🙂

  5. ILOVE IT!!! 🙂 i’m cuffing all my old jeans!! and i think they look chic! 🙂 my only problem is what TOP to pair them with..? overall, its a nice change from skinny jeans 🙂

  6. I love it–I think people are just afraid of it. Honestly, many people have been rocking this look for years and look awesome, only now that its «in» those who are less adventurous have to face it too. It’s cool and it’s a play with structure: fashion isn’t always about making our butts look good! ^_-

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